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Why businesses should be active on social media during and after the pandemic

The pandemic has changed how we work in countless ways, from something as simple as working from home or completely restructuring your business plan to meet the demands of what is the new normal.
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The face of marketing has changed too, with low demand for print advertising, businesses have needed to be savvy with the way they get their name out there. If there’s one thing we recommend here at ads creative solutions, it would be to remain active on social media and keep up, or start, an online presence. Here are five reasons why…

Advanced targeting options

This means your adverts can be specifically targeted to your ideal audience, which can result in increased reach and click throughs. Did you know advertising through Facebook or LinkedIn lets you narrow down your audience to age, gender, location, interests and even job role? When creating social media posts for Chapman Robinson & Moore, we always keep their audience demographic at the front of our mind to ensure we’re sharing content they take value in.

Prevalence on mobile

In a survey conducted by Statista at the end of July 2020, 46% of respondents increased their smartphone use. Ofcom found in April 2020; adults were spending on average 4 hours 2 minutes on social media a day. Posts and adverts are more likely to be seen during this pandemic and in lockdowns, because of the increased time spent on social media and smartphones.

Keeping your audience informed

Frequent posts on social media are a great away to keep customers and clients informed without having to make a call to every single contact. It’s reducing a lot of admin and is a more effective way of communicating. Whether it’s an upcoming sale, new product or service, or a business update, your audience can be kept in the loop via social media or other digital means. CRM’s monthly newsletter is a prime example of how to keep your audience informed on all of the need-to-knows.

Retaining customers

Keep your name in front of users so that when things return back to “normal” users will remember you because you’ve been consistent with posts throughout the pandemic. We recommend keeping your audience engaged through interactive posts that provide value. When managing Chapman Robinson & Moore’s social accounts, we aim for at least three quality posts per week to keep the audience engaged.


Marketing on social media doesn’t require large budgets or many resources. You can choose to boost a post or pay for an advert, or simply post organically through your own platforms. The outgoing can be as big or as small as you like.

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