Get to the top of Google with Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click (PPC) is a paid method of getting your website to the top of search engine rankings. The overall goal can vary but the aim is to gain more clicks to your website for lead generation, sales or event sign ups.

Get to the top of Google with Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click plays an important role in digital marketing; it is one of the most effective ways to gain new clicks to your website. At ads creative solutions, we’ve been privileged to work with some of the most prestigious brands not only in Oxford, but across the UK.

What are the benefits of PPC?

There are many benefits when it comes to Pay Per Click, it’s probably easier if we talk through them in person. But if you’re looking for a quick overview of the benefits of PPC, check out the below bullets.


Targeted advertising:
PPC allows you to target specific audiences based on demographics, interests and behaviours. It allows you to appear when your audience searches on Google.


Immediate results: 
PPC campaigns can generate almost instant traffic and results, opposed to SEO which can take time to see effects. Bare in mind, both your PPC and SEO should complement each other.


Brand visibility: 
PPC ads appear prominently at the top of search engine results page, increasing brand visibility and awareness.


Measurable results: 
We’ll provide detailed analytics and reporting, giving you visibility on campaign performance and measure ROI accurately.


PPC campaigns can be adjusted and optimised in real-time based on performance data, allowing for ongoing improvement.

Taking advantage of PPC to bring in new leads

In the competitive windscreen repair and replacement market, Express Windscreens needed to ensure they ranked highly on Google, which is why they chose us to fully manage their Pay Per Click campaigns.

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Our Pay Per Click success stories

Pay Per Clicks plays an important role in digital marketing; it is one of the most effective ways to gain visitors to your website. At ads creative solutions, we’ve been privileged to work with some of the most prestigious brands not only in Oxford, but across the UK.

Our Pay Per Click process

Our approach to Pay Per Click ensures your goals are always at the forefront of the campaign. We make sure to do the research to bring you the best possible return on investment.

1. Define campaign goals

We'll clearly identify what you want to achieve with your PPC campaign - whether it is to increase website traffic, generate leads or boost sales. We'll assess the feasibility of the campaign and check the landing page experience.

2. Campaign creation

Using Google Keyword Planner, we'll find relevant keywords that your target audience is likely to search for. During this process we create tailored adtext for each keyword and landing page ensuring you stand out on the Google search results and ensure we have the right bidding strategy for your goals.

3. Refining a target audience

To help provide the best return on investment we'll define your target audience settings, including geographical locations, languages and demographic information to ensure your ads reach the right people.

4. Set up conversion tracking

We'll implement conversion tracking in Google Ads to measure the success of your campaign - we'll integrate Google Analytics 4 so we have a 360 degree view of performance.

5. Monitoring performance

Once the campaign is live, we'll monitor it daily to make sure it is fully optimised, ensuring we keep track of click-through rates, conversion rates and return on ad spend.

Fancy a chat about PPC?

There are three main stages to building an effective Pay Per Click campaign, targeting, the make-up of the advert and the landing page experience. If you want to talk about how PPC could put your brand in front of thousands of potential customers please contact us today.