A Year as a Digital Marketing & Social Media Executive

As Ilana celebrates her one year anniversary at ads creative solutions, we wanted to catch-up with her to talk about her Digital Marketing & Social Media Executive role.
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A year is a long time in the Digital Marketing industry given how quickly trends come and go. Ilana, our Digital Marketing & Social Media Executive recently celebrated her first anniversary here at ads creative solutions, so we wanted to catch up with her to take a look at the past twelve months.

Q: Give us a brief overview of what your time has been like

A: Since applying for a job here at ads creative solutions, I feel like I have come on leaps and bounds. I’m grateful to have been supported through my development within different teams and roles in the company.

I applied for the role once I had completed my excelled two-year degree in Marketing with Media Communications, and within two months I had landed my new position as a Marketing Assistant.

When starting in the team, my role exposed me to all the marketing opportunities that businesses have across different platforms and helped to expand my existing knowledge. I quickly expressed my interest in the more digital aspect of marketing and after a couple of months, my role changed to Digital Marketing and Social Media Executive.

Since the change in position, I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I have had to take the lead in planning and creating content as well as executing successful campaigns.

Q: What made you want to transition into digital?

A: My passion for all things digital and creative led to my transition within the company. I expressed very early on that I enjoyed working on digital campaigns – developing and executing social projects as well as creating content and graphics.

When putting forward my interest in the new position, I am grateful to have been met with open arms by those within the digital team.

I was eager to learn new skills and get stuck in with all the existing campaigns and client social media accounts.

Tell us how your degree has helped with your role

A: My degree at The University of Buckingham equipped me with versatile skills in many aspects of the Marketing industry. These skills have also developed me as a person outside of the workplace – particularly within my research, projects and dissertation. I explored how digital platforms have changed and continue to do so, which has helped me in my day-to-day role to understand social platforms, how businesses communicate and how I can translate all of this in my work.

Q: Where do you see the digital industry heading?

A: The digital industry now more than ever has been experiencing rapid changes that have caused many platforms and users’ behaviour to do a 360. They appear to be becoming more private and personal again like they used to be. This is a trend I saw coming when studying for my degree, specifically when researching and completing my dissertation. These behavioural changes can be understood with:

  • Rise of UGC and EGC
  • Trust growth in Micro & Nano influencers
  • Increase in sharing through direct message
  • Instagram’s new developments on more private platforms such as Notes and Flipside.

Q: What is the most exciting digital platform and which one has the most potential?

A: The whole notion of changing back to a more private social platform is an exciting aspect for me on a personal level, however, it is going to be something to navigate when working within the industry. It is uncertain how this will impact the way that we express a brand’s voice on their platforms and how we resonate with the target audience.

However, it excites me because as this development takes place, it allows us to adapt to various platforms/trends, and as an avid user of social, this is something I am looking forward to getting stuck into.


Thank you to Ilana for taking part in our Q&A and congratulations on celebrating your first anniversary at ads creative solutions. If you want to connect with Ilana on LinkedIn, she’d be happy to chat more about her experience in the industry.