Wyckham Blackwell has provided innovative, cost-effective timber engineering solutions since 1884, enhancing the quality, speed and ease of construction.
Initially, as a homegrown timber merchant, the company has evolved through sawmilling, fencing, specialist joinery and merchanting to become a true specialist in timber-engineered products, providing a total package to service this demanding market.
The goal was to produce a video that showed the process of a customer’s order as it makes its way through the talented hands of the Wyckham Blackwell team.
Planning a shoot like this starts with researching the company, talking to the team and learning exactly the sort of representation they are looking for.
As each order is meticulously worked by every member of the team, we wanted to make sure that was clear in the video.
Understanding each step of the process allowed us to capture the correct content that helped showcase the process the Wyckham Blackwell team takes when fulfilling a customer’s order.
Once all of the content was shot, we then edited the footage to produce the first draft.
The final video was delivered to Wyckham Blackwell and was welcomed with high praise. We’ll let the video above do the talking.
Thank you to Wyckham Blackwell for making it such an enjoyable shoot.